Babalu Vienna Racist Arab Club Owners
Babalu is a hookah bar located in Vienna, Virginia. Vienna is located in Fairfax Virginia, which is the second richest county in the nation second to Loudoun county. Babalu owner is a man name Fabio and has ties to a man name Albert Andrawos, who is his business partner. Albert Andrawos is a racist man who rips off African American's and Hispanic's, by not paying them after they do work for his construction company HomeTech Exterior. Albert Andrawos is also a snitch who work's for the police of Fairfax, Loudoun county, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Albert Andrawos is also a snitch for Montgomery county, Maryland as well. Albert Andrawos is a man that can't be trusted, and he is tied to the Babalu night club/ hookah bar. On the morning of 1/18/2017, a friend of mine's who's never been to Babalu was invited to see the place. My friend is an Army veteran, and also a musician who has million's of views on his YouTube channel. Me and my friend decided to buy alcoh...