Buta Biberaj Loudoun's Dishonest & Unethical Prosecutors Office

Buta Biberaj is a Democrat who became Loudoun County's head Commonwealth Attorney. Buta Biberaj ran on the promise that she would bring change to the Commonwealth's Attorney office. Primarily with justice reform, because this is what Buta Biberaj campaigned on. Well, it has been a few years since Buta Biberaj has been elected into office, and one thing we can say is that she is doing a terrible job. Ms. Biberaj's favorite thing nowadays seems to be prosecutorial misconduct by cheating defendants out of cases. Buta Biberaj's administration has gone as far as to make sure defendants who allegedly do crimes are denied bond. In fact, her office makes it extremely hard for people to get bonded. Take for example the case of Lawrence Charles, who was in his hotel room with a young lady by the name of Brianna Jones. Ms. Brianna Jones asked Mr. Charles to use his cell phone, and Ms. Jones went into his phone and stole $600 via Paypal and hijacked his business Square Cash accoun...