Loudoun County Continues Its Racism

Loudoun County is a very beautiful place, but Loudoun is also a very racist place. Loudoun seems to have a problem with black men who identify as heterosexual. Today we are writing about a man named Bryan Wright who is currently incarcerated in the Loudoun County Adult Detention Center. Bryan Wright has been charged with Aggravated Malicious Wounding and Assault and Battery "just in case the Aggravated Malicious Wounding charges don't stick". He is accused of assaulting a white woman by the name of Michelle Cartoon.

The incident occurred on February 28, 2023. Mr. Wright was having a verbal altercation with a white man in a parking lot. During this altercation, a white woman by the name of Michelle Cartoon decided to insert herself into the situation. Michelle Cartoon, the alleged victim, was upset that a black man was arguing with a white man. Mr. Wright's fiancé, a black woman, was present during this altercation and heard Ms. Cartoon tell Mr. Wright to “get out of here you nigger, you do not belong here”. Mr. Wright and his fiancé decided to leave. As they were walking back to their vehicle, Ms. Cartoon proceeded to follow them and yell racial slurs and profanity towards them. Mr. Wright's fiancé asked Ms. Cartoon to stop following them, but Ms. Cartoon continued to come towards them and ended up in front of their vehicle. Mr. Wright turned around and told Ms. Cartoon to mind her business and leave them alone. Ms. Cartoon then decided to call Mr. Wright a nigger again. Mr. Wright turned around and asked Ms. Cartoon why she thought it was ok to call a black man a nigger. Mr. Wright stuck his finger out towards Ms. Cartoon, and accidentally poked her in the forehead, because she was still coming towards him. Ms. Cartoon then reached back and swung a punch at Mr. Wright. Ms. Cartoon lost her balance in the process of attacking Mr. Wright. Mr. Wright swung back at Ms. Cartoon twice in self-defense, because she had attacked him first. Because she was already falling from throwing a punch at Mr. Wright, one of Mr. Wright's swings missed her, and the other barely connected. Ms. Cartoon fell from losing her balance during her attack on Mr. Wright, and when doing so hit the back of her head, which caused minor injuries. The police were called, and an ambulance was called. Ms. Cartoon refused medical treatment and told the paramedics she was fine. Mr. Wright had NO INTENTION or MALICE towards Ms. Cartoon, and in fact she was the aggressor and tried to hit Mr. Wright first.

Now we are not justifying violence, but the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office tends to exaggerate minor situations into big ones, especially when it comes to dealing with black men. They also have a history of not addressing or acknowledging racism involved in certain cases or situations in Loudoun County.

If you know anything about the law, you will understand that according to VA code, Aggravated Malicious Wounding cannot be caused by a hand or fist. But when it comes to black men in Loudoun County, they love bringing absurd charges to hold black men in jail as long as they can. Now the Loudoun Commonwealth Attorneys Office is prosecuting this case as well. The Loudoun Commonwealth Attorneys Office, who is led by Buta Biberaj is known to be very dishonest, unethical and just flat out evil toward black men and minorities in Loudoun County. Buta Biberaj's office is well known for violating Brady laws, due process and defendant’s constitutional rights. So we know Mr. Wright is not getting a fair trial, and we know that the Loudoun Commonwealth Attorneys Office is holding Bryan Wright on these excessive and ridiculous charges without bond. These charges should at most, if at all, be a misdemeanor due to both of them fighting in a parking lot and only using their hands. But since Michelle Cartoon is a older white woman, Buta Biberaj is going to press forward and believe the white woman.

The craziest part in all of this is that Mr. Wright's fiancé has not been contacted by anyone in the Loudoun County Commonwealth's Attorneys Office to hear her side of the story. His fiancé has not been allowed to say anything about the incident that occurred, or confirm the racism that is clearly involved in this case. I wonder why the word of a white woman, who attacked a black man, is better than the word of a black woman. Could it be that Loudoun County always takes the word of its white citizens over black citizens? Mr. Wrights fiancé is a well educated business woman, who should be allowed to speak and defend herself and Mr. Wright. But once again, Buta Biberaj and her crooked attorneys are trying to cover up the racism involved in this case. Bryan Wright is facing 20 years in prison over being attacked by a white racist woman. Eden Holmes is the person prosecuting this case, and she has not responded to Mr. Wright's fiancé as of the publishing of this article. 


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