Loudoun County Injustice Against Black Conservative

Today we are writing about a situation in Loudoun County involving the Loudoun Commonwealth Attorney's Office and the Loudoun County Sheriff Office. The Loudoun Commonwealth Attorney's Office has been engaging in unethical and unconstitutional law practices. The head of the Loudoun Commonwealth Attorney's Office name is Buta Biberaj and she has been violating and depriving a man by the name of Lawrence Charles of his due process and right to a fair trial. Deputy Commonwealth Attorney Renee Hays and Anthony Needham have engaged in lying, hiding evidence favorable to Mr. Charles and subordinating purgery. Loudoun Commonwealth Attorney Anthony Needham is a very dishonest individual. Every time he gets in front of a judge, he lies to them in order to keep Lawrence Charles in jail. The employees from the Loudoun County Sheriff Office that have deprived and mistreated Mr. Charles names are Detective Loraine Goldberg, Detective Nikki King, Deputy Katherine Grimley and Captain David Wozniak. These 4 wanted to win a trial against Mr. Charles so bad that they violated Federal laws and deprived him of his constitutional rights. They threw Lawrence Charles in disciplinary segregation for 2 months where he had to sleep on the cold floor without any mattress. Mr. Charles was not even able to call his lawyer for over two weeks. These 4 employees of the Loudoun County Sheriffs Office went and started mistreating inmates with disabilities in the jail because they were calling Mr. Charles mother and and notifying her of how the jail staff was mistreating her son. All this happened because Lawrence Charles had a history of beating the Loudoun Commonwealth Attorney's Office and the Loudoun County Sheriff Office in court. And what makes this whole story crazy is that the Loudoun Commonwealth Attorney's Office and the Loudoun County Sheriff Office knew that they were not supposed to bring charges against Mr. Charles in the first place based on emails that they did not include in his discovery and a medical record that stated the Loudoun County Sheriff Office was not supposed to bring charges against Mr. Charles in the first place. But the reason the Loudoun Commonwealth Attorney's Office is pursuing charges is because Mr. Charles embarrassed Buta Biberaj and Alexis Downing on a previous article. Detective Loraine Goldberg has been described as a crazy lunatic by different legal defense attorneys. Loraine Goldberg is very unprofessional, and unethical. Deputy Katherine Grimley kicked in Mr. Charles door at his business without a warrant and dragged him outside his business barefoot and did not present him a warrant until 1 hour after they brought Mr. Charles to the adult detention center. The Loudoun Commonwealth Attorney Office even went as far as to appeal Mr. Charles bond, after he was granted bond by a judge, something that has never been done at the Loudoun County Courthouse. They did not want Mr. Charles to find out they had been lying to and manipulating the alleged victim who has since recanted her statements about Mr. Charles and has named another individual as the person who assaulted her. The Commonwealth Attrony has not taken this into account, but still want to maliciously prosecute Mr. Charles based on an article he wrote in December about Buta Biberaj and Alexis Downing. On Feb 2 Mr. Charles beat all of his charges, but the Loudoun Commonwealth Attorney's Office Renee Hayes, Anthony Needham and Detective Loraine Goldberg said they would keep brining charges against Mr. Charles until one sticks. They made it clear they wanted Mr. Charles to have a felony in his record, no matter what that cost. They have gone as far as to make the alleged victim and their whiteness homeless in order to mode her testimony in their favor. Loraine Goldberg went and got an EPO without the alleged victim/whiteness knowing and then turned around and charged Mr. Charles with EPO violations. Loraine Goldberg, Katherine Grimley and Renee Hayes were working with Randal Hedrick who is a known racist and was caught on a recorded line calling Mr. Charles “a nigger” numerous times. After the Loudoun Commonwealth Attroney witness called Anthony Needham and told him she did not want to pursue charges and wanted the charges dropped, Anthony Needham went and got more charges in retaliation against Mr. Charles. They still have not included any of this into Mr. Charles discovery, but instead Anthony Needham went in front of Judge Brooks and lied straight to her face. Anthony Needham has been able to go in front different judges and lie at will without being fact checked, which shows there is major flaws in the justice system, especially towards black men in the Loudoun County justice system. You would think this was happening in Russia, but this happing right here in Loudoun County that they are cheating an American veteran who served in both Iraq and Afghanistan out of a fair trial. All because Mr. Charles wrote an article that was negative toward Buta Biberaj. Grimley and Goldberg manipulated and lied to their witness in order to get and intimidate the witness into testifying against Mr. Charles. Both the Loudoun County Sheriff Officer's told the witness that Mr. Charles was plotting with other people to hurt her, which was a lie. Deputy Grimley and other Loudoun County Sheriff's Office deputies actually kicked in Mr. Charles business office door without a warrant, and beat him up and dragged him out of his office without any shoes on in the winter time. They threw him in the police car and he hit his head. Katherine Grimley even went as far as to pull out her gun and point it at Mr. Charles and another individual who is also black. Numerous witnesses have stated that what Katherine Grimley and the Loudoun County Sheriff’s office did to Mr. Charles was Tashara very racist and unprofessional. They also said it reminds them of the incident with George Floyd. Buta Biberaj is always claiming that they are being racist towards her because of her Muslim heritage, when she is one of the biggest hypocrites in Loudoun County. Buta Biberaj campaigned on the promise that she was going to change the Loudoun County justice system to be fair and honest towards black men. Buta Biberaj has violated more people’s rights than her predecessors. Lawrence Charles and other Muslims have stated that she is not a real Muslim and is what you would call a hypocrite, and a Muslim in name only. As of right now, there have been a total of 6 Federal lawsuits against the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office and the Loudoun Commonwealth Attorney’s Office. Several businesses plan to file Federal and State lawsuits against Katherine Grimley and the Loudoun County Sheriffs Office sue to Katherine Grimley and other Loudoun County Sheriffs officers actions.  

Lawrence Charles and associates have even started a Facebook page about Buta Biberaj, and here is the link to join: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089039378553&mibextid=LQQJ4d


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